Really disappointed with the restore capability in UEB 7.
I have set up a test lab of Win 2012 and Exchange 2013 (all testing done so not a total disaster). The server has 2 x 500GB disks set up with each of the disks as a separate datastore.
On datastore 1 I created a virtual disk and installed the OS of Windows 2012 and on datastore 2 I created a virtual disk to present to the OS as drive E for installing Exchange. I did it this way because a single 500GB datastore didn't have enough space to do it the way I wanted.
I then installed UEB on a different host and got it to back up Exchange just fine.
I then deleted the Exchange VM and tried restoring it using UEB only to find that it fails because it wants to restore both virtual disks to only 1 datastore and not across the 2 datastores I used to set the VM up in the first place. Since the sum total of both virtual disks is bigger than any of the datastores it fails.
There are no options to restore 1 or the other datastore files at a time, unless you have to do that using file restore.
I've done loads of virtualisation work and it is pretty common to have vdisks set up over several datastores. Why on earth doesn't UEB support restoration this way???