First of all, sorry if choose the wrong section.
We encountered problems with some servers which are running Windows Server 2012. These are Hyper-V hosts so there are VMs on it.
Recently, some users noticed latency when writing to the VMs. Indeed, VMs are nearly frozen and it's the same fort hosts servers. I checked the VMs event viewer but I found nothing. Then I looked on the hosts event viewer and there are warnings which occur at the same time of the problem:
Source: disk / Event ID: 153 / The IO operation at logical block address # for Disk # was retried
Problems often occur on Disk 2. What does it mean? Does "2" is the number which can be found in the disk management console?
This warning occurs when we are doing a Express Full Backup of our host with DPM 2012 SP1.
Is there a solution to avoid this in the future? Unfortunately,...