I might be looking for a white unicorn here, but I would like to find a desktop backup system that...
1. Is HIPAA compliant
2. Has a cloud option
3. Isn't crazy expensive
4. Can do images and bare metal restores
5. Also does file level restores
6. Keeps a local copy of the backups
A lot of products do some of these things.
For example, we use CrashPlan. I could use their $9.99 a month unlimited backups to do the file level, and also run a native Windows image backup, and send that to their cloud. However their Pro product is not HIPAA compliant.
I could switch to Carbonite, but their service is almost $25 a month. I might just have to bite the bullet and pay more.
Anyway, I know there are a ton of backup vendors on here ... I thought maybe I was missing something.