Let's have a frank, honest conversation about Backup Exec 2014...
Fri 17 October at 1.00 EDT: Join the Backup Exec development family for a Reddit AMA
Greetings intrepid data center wranglers! Earlier this summer, Symantec released BackupExec 2014. This release returnedsome ofyour favorite features (HELLLOOOOO JOB MONITOR!) in addition to adding some keynew tools improving yourvirtualizationand Windowsexperience.
Well…it’s been 90 days and our firstservicepack droppedat the end of last month.
Backup Exec 2014 has been in the wild for a few months and we’d like totalk with you about it. On Friday, 17October, we will be hosting a Reddit AMA featuring members of the Backup Execdevelopment team
- Senior Leadership
- Engineering
- Technical Marketing
- Partner Relations
We’ve done a few of these in the past and the turnout hasalways been strong. We’re...