as per the title... I've inherited a SAN which I've nursed back to good health and just wanted to find out if it is possible to use a current backup solution and backup to the SAN (so effectively the SAN is my backup storage)
I've read about Virtual Tape Libraries but i don't think i can do that with this SAN (PS5000).. another idea would be to setup backup to disk jobs (the disks being LUN's on the SAN)
...ultimately i would like to then push these backups to an offsite location in the event that the building disappears and phase out the need for Tape storage...
we're currently backing up approx 25TB's of data... mainly Photo's and Video's etc. just trying to get a few ideas of how i could go about this without having to spend a loa of money on a bespoke solution... for now! :)
any ideas / advice would be much appreciated.