Hi there,
Our company is looking for solution to back up our clientsendpoints (laptops, pcs)Genarely what our needs are, is the ability to run thesoftware on our own servers to offerback-up for our internet business clients. What we need is:
1. Centralised endpoints management through smallagents that associates user by different rights on the server:
· Endpoint gets rules what to backup according touser group on server: My docs, desktop, particular program folder.
·Forced back-up of files with concrete *extension
· User isable to add additional folders to back-up (prefered by right clicking) but there
is ability for us to predefine extensions of what not to back-up.
2.Encryption of file on server side, so we can‘notaccess clients content
3.Ability for user to restore back-up by himself
4. Storage limiting by user and by groups
5.Ability to put...