Everyone loves to hate these things. The Accursed PST Outlook Mail Archive file.
Looking for a solution that would fit into the following scenario:
Corporate Exchange mail system, enduser mailboxes are quite small (~600MB hardlimit).
This is Intentional, to discourage users from transferring files via Email. This limit is unlikely to change.
Therefore, each user has PST files mounted into Outlook profiles; a great number of these are homed on Network Shared File drive mappings (an Unsupported scenario according to MS).
Users will have their (sometimes multiple GB sized files) PSTs relocated to a common folder on the C: drive. Then the user will bulk move items into this PST when their mailbox is full.
*KEYSTEP* After user is done a round of archiving, they close Outlook and then launch the "Backup my PST files" desktop shortcut. Note the...